Member update from OSC

22nd October 2020 Dear Members Many thanks for your support of the Club this summer. As we get to the close of the season I think many of us should be grateful that our sport/hobby was one that was less impacted than others. It wasn’t ideal, it was a bit different but I hope many…

By Oban Sailing Club October 22, 2020 Off

Dinghy update 5th October 2020

With the nights drawing in, our Wednesday evening dinghy sessions have come to an end for the season. We are still out on a Saturday afternoon 13:30 – 16:00 for informal dinghy sailing sessions with safety boat cover, at least until the end of October. Hope to see you there! Details on arrangements for Covid-19…

By Oban Sailing Club October 5, 2020 Off

Dinghy update 23/9/20

23rd September 2020 Hi All, We’ve been having some great dinghy sailing on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons, with some games, trips, informal races and casual coaching too. As the nights are drawing in we’re going to move Wednesday start times to 5:30, to squeeze out a couple more weeks of evening sailing (Saturdays are…

By Oban Sailing Club September 23, 2020 Off

Sailing Events Update/Reminder

4th September 2020 Dear Members A quick email with a few updates and reminders about sailing events Keelboats – Sunday 6th September: Keelboat informal race around the Creags. Flexible starting time between 1330 and 1500. Further information attached. Dinghies – Sunday 6th September: Dinghy sailing sessions. We’d normally try and keep these to Saturdays but…

By Oban Sailing Club September 5, 2020 Off

News – 23rd August 2020

Dear Members I thought it would be a good time for a quick update on events, particularly on the keelboat side of things. RYA Scotland issued new C-19 guidance on Friday with respect to further easing of restrictions coming into effect Monday 24th August. One of the key changes is with respect to crewing…

By Oban Sailing Club August 25, 2020 Off

August 2020 Sailing Update

Dear Members Dinghy Sailing It’s been great to see quite a few members getting involved in the twice weekly dinghy sessions. Thanks to all those who have volunteered to help run these and to everyone for doing their best to keep within the guidelines for safe sailing. We’ll continue these through the remaining part of…

By Oban Sailing Club August 11, 2020 Off

Social Dinghy Sailing Summer 2020

Dear Members Our first proper outing on the water as a club was yesterday with 7 dinghies out for a great sail in a stiff breeze and full sunshine (I know, because I ended the day with a red nose!). Pictures on our social media accounts. Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this happen…

By Oban Sailing Club July 14, 2020 Off

Let’s go Sailing …

Dear MembersI very much hope that we can get sailing as a club this coming week. This will be for dinghies only and we’ll have safety boat cover on the water. As you can imagine, we can’t do things in the way we are normally used to. We’ve been doing some work behind the scenes –…

By Oban Sailing Club July 11, 2020 Off