January ’22 Update
Dear Members
Just a quick update for you all on various items. In terms of the sailing club it’s a slightly disarming time of year – we still feel in the depths of winter yet it’s actually not many weeks until we get the sailing underway. There are lots of things we need to start getting in place and not so many weeks to do it in. We have the Sailing Program Group who have been working away over the winter coming up with ideas for freshening up our sailing program, also the Round Mull Race committee have got key elements of that event in place, the bar renovation team have all but finished up and we’re just waiting on final fixtures and fittings. Lots going on….
But we really could do with more help ….. please.
Cleaning the Clubhouse Maintaing Club Boats
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any organisation. Sure, it takes a bit of your time, but it can also be very enjoyable and sociable.
- No skill required (which is handy for me ….)
- No regular commitment required (we’re all busy people)
- Just bring your enthusiasm and humour
To find out a bit more about volunteering at OSC, please visit our new Volunteering Page on our website. Thanks for any help you can give.
Social Events
With the new bar renovations by club volunteers (… yes, all volunteer effort) and general easing of covid restrictions we’re hoping to have the clubhouse very much more operational. We hope to start having some social gatherings and who knows, we might even be able to celebrate the success of the 2021 season …!
Hopefully many of you will wish to renew your membership. We’ve got a new sailing program coming for 2022, more training courses, more social events and generally plenty of enjoyment around the club. So, a gentle reminder for those who wish to be part of OSC in 2022 to fill in your membership application. You can do it fully online, including payment thanks to volunteer efforts (notice a theme here …) behind the scenes with our website. Remember, it’s possible to spread payments over 10 months just to make things a little easier on the pocket. Please renew when you can – thank you. RENEW HERE
Planning your 2022 Cruise
We’ve had contact from a member who has decided to pass on his collection of charts and pilotage books of the West Coast. If you’re wanting charts or books for use on your own boat, or to plan a trip or for other purposes, please reply to this email and I’ll put you in touch.
So – that’s about all. Lots going on, lots still to do but looking forward to getting the season underway.
And to save you scrolling back to the top – here’s the link to Helping out