Start to help others learn to sail! An Assistant Instructor helps out with either RYA courses or other sailing sessions at the club, for example Monday Mayhem. They assist a Dinghy Instructor or Senior Instructor with running the course or activity. The AI course will cover how the RYA scheme works, some basic instructing techniques, running lots of practice sessions for each other and a bit about how we run courses and sailing sessions at OSC.
Course Requirements:
To complete the course you must be 14+ and be at the standard of at least one advanced module (e.g. sailing with spinnakers or seamanship skills), others may be able to come along and improve their sailing and coaching but will not get the certificate at the end. If you’re interested please contact, we’re always keen to train up more AIs so can help you out.
We generally run one or two courses a year, arranged when there are volunteers interested. The course is free, as it is aimed at increasing the volunteer pool at OSC. For more information on the RYA instructor scheme see the RYA website.
*** Please note that Assistant Instructor Certificates are only valid at the training centre they were issued at ***